Module presalytics.story.components

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import abc
import typing
import os
import logging
import webbrowser
import re
import six
import sys
import urllib.parse
import presalytics.lib
import presalytics.lib.registry
import presalytics.lib.exceptions
import presalytics.lib.constants
import presalytics.client.api
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from presalytics.story.outline import Widget, Page, Plugin, OutlineBase, StoryOutline

logger = logging.getLogger("presalytics.story.components")

class ComponentBase(abc.ABC):
    This class serves as the primary interface clas for the story components.  Instances of
    this interface carry enough information to rendered to html.  Developers, analysts and
    users should inherit from base class if they want components to be registered in the
    rendering pipeline for presalytics stories.

    Instance of this class must:
    1. Initialize with a name parameter
    2  Serialize to a subclass of presalytics.story.outline.OutlineBase
    3. Deserialize from an instance of presalytics.story.OutlineBase
    4. Render to html

    The __component_type__ and __component_name__ metadata on subclasses is required in
    order for instances to be registered in rendering pipeline for automatic updates

    Note: When inheriting from this base class, call "super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)" before add your
    own custom initialization.


    name : str
        The name of the instance of the component.  Used in component as a key to lookup
        instances to re-calcute during rendering

    css : list of str
        A list of keys in dot notation that point to links in the ALLOWED_STYLES dictionary
        in the presalytics.lib.templates.base module.

    js: list of str
        A list of keys in dot notation that point to links in the ALLOWED_SCRIPTS dictionary
        in the presalytics.lib.templates.base module.

    __component_type__ : str
        The identifier for the component superclass (e.g. widget, page_template, renderer, theme).
        Used for component registration.

    __component_kind__ : str
        An identifier for this component class.  Used for component registration.

    __plugins__ : list of dict
        A list of dictionaries that reference `presalytics.story.outline.Plugin` configurations.  When a 
        `presaltytics.story.components.Renderer` is initialized, it will load these plugins into the
        rendered.  This allows plugins to be statically configured on `presalytics.story.components` classes,
        in lieu dynamic configurations on `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline` instances.

    client_info : str
        A `dict` to be unpacked and passed to `presalytics.client.api.Client` object when subclasses of
        `ComponentBase` require interaction with the Presalytics API.
    __component_type__: str
    __component_kind__: str
    __plugins__: typing.List[typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]]
    name: str

    __plugins__ = []

    def __init__(self, client_info: typing.Dict = None, *args, **kwargs):
        if client_info:
            self.client_info = client_info
            self.client_info = {}
            if kwargs.get('delegate_login', None):
                self.client_info.update({'delegate_login': kwargs.get('delegate_login')})
            if kwargs.get('cache_tokens', None):
                self.client_info.update({'cache_tokens': kwargs.get('cache_tokens')})
            if kwargs.get('token', None):
                self.client_info.update({'token': kwargs.get('token')})

    def render(self, **kwargs):
        Renders `component` to html.  Must be overridden in subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def serialize(self):
        Initializes `component` object from `presalytics.story.outline` attributes. Must be overridden in subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def deserialize(cls, component, **kwargs):
        Converts `component` instance to a `presalytics.story.outline` object. Must be overridden in subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_client(self, **kwargs):
        Initializes `presalytics.client.api.Client` using `client_info`
        params = self.client_info
        return presalytics.client.api.Client(**params)

class WidgetBase(ComponentBase):
    Inherit from this base class to create widget components that can be rendered to html via the
    `presalytics.story.components.Renderer` class.  This component also needs to build a method
    that allows the widget to be serialzed into a `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object.

    widget: Widget
        A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object use for initialized the component class.

    outline_widget: Widget
        A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object
    outline_widget: typing.Optional['Widget']

    __component_type__ = 'widget'

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        super(WidgetBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = name
        self.outline_widget = None

    def render(self, component, **kwargs):
        self.to_html(component, **kwargs)

    def to_html(self, data: typing.Dict = None, **kwargs) -> str:
        Returns valid html that renders the widget in a browser.

        data: dict
            The data parameter is a dictionary should contain the minimum amount of that is required to
            successfully render the object.  As the widget is update, data control how the display of
            information changes.

            Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the `to_html` function.
            these keyword arguments should be invariant through successive updates to the chart.  For example,
            keyword arguments could control the styling of the widget, which should not change as the data in
            the object (e.g., a chart) is updated.  Keyword arguments are loaded via `additional_properties`
            parameter in in the `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object.

        A str of containing an html fragment that will be loaded into a template in successive operations
        raise NotImplementedError

    def serialize(self, **kwargs) -> 'Widget':
        Creates `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object from instance data. This widget should
        have the correct `name`, `data` and `additional_properties` so the same widget can be reconstituted
        via the to_html method, given the same set of data.

        Typically, this method will call an update method that run a local script with updates this
        Widget's data Dictionary prior being loading into the Widget outline object for serialization.

            Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the to_html function.
            these keyword arguments should be be invariant through successive updates to the chart. Overrides
            for this widgets default additional_properties should be loaded via these keyword arguments.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def deserialize(cls, component: 'Widget', **kwargs) -> 'WidgetBase':
        Creates an instance of the widget from the data object in the `presalytics.story.outline.Widget`
        object. This method exists to ensure widgets can be portable across environments.  To clarify,
        widgets built on the client-side via the `__init__` method can be reconstructed server-side via
        the deserialize method.  This allows decoupling of the widget generation/updating of data and
        the rendering of the widget in a UI.  Renderers (e.g., `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer` object)
        need not know about how the data get updated, but can update the graphic with data generated by
        the widget when the serialize method is called.


        widget: Widget
            A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object

        `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase` subclass instance
        raise NotImplementedError

class PageTemplateBase(ComponentBase):
    Inherit from this base class to render templates to html via the
    `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer` class.

    page: Page
        A presalytics.story.outline.Page object for instalizing the class

    outline_page: presalytics.story.outline.Page
        The page data

    widgets: list of subclasses of presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase
        A list widget that will be loaded into templates and rendered via placeholders.
        These widgets must have a "to_html(self, data, **kwargs)" method.


    outline_page: 'Page'
    widgets: typing.List['WidgetBase']
    plugins: typing.List[typing.Dict]

    __component_type__ = 'page'

    def __init__(self, page: 'Page', **kwargs) -> None:
        super(PageTemplateBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.outline_page = page
        self.widgets = self.get_page_widgets(self.outline_page)

    def render(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        Returns valid html that renders the template in a broswer with data loaded from widgets.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load_widget(self, widget: 'Widget'):
        Converts a presalytics.story.outline.Widget object to a subclass of WidgetComponentBase
        via the `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry.
        class_key = "widget." + widget.kind
        key = class_key + "." +
            if presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(key):
                widget_instance = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(key)
                klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                deserialize_method = getattr(klass, "deserialize", None)
                if callable(deserialize_method):
                    widget_instance = deserialize_method(widget, client_info=self.client_info)
                    message = "Widget component instance or class (kind) {0} unavailable in component registry".format(key)
                    raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.MissingConfigException(message)
        except Exception as ex:
            if not presalytics.CONFIG.get("DEBUG", False):
                widget_instance = presalytics.lib.exceptions.RenderExceptionHandler(ex)
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                six.reraise(t, v, tb)
        return widget_instance

    def get_page_widgets(self, page: 'Page'):
        Converts the widgets within a `presalytics.story.outline.Page` object to a list
        of widgets subclassed from `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase`
        widget_instances = []
        for widget_outline in page.widgets:
            next_widget = self.load_widget(widget_outline)
        return widget_instances
    def serialize(self):
        return self.outline_page.dump()

    def deseriailize(cls, component, **kwargs):
        return cls(page=component)

class ThemeBase(ComponentBase):
    Themes are containers for plugins should be rendered once
    across the entire document.  The init method should configure
    parameters with get passed to plugins via serialization and 
    plugins: typing.Optional[typing.List['Plugin']]

    __component_type__ = 'theme'

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def render(self, **kwargs):

class Renderer(ComponentBase):
    Base class for objects that convert `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline` 
    objects into html and rendering them over the web

    With this class, users can push changes to their `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
    to the Presalytics API and web clients.  Renderer class contains a couplemethods for 
    syncing changes from component instances in the `presalytics.CONFIG` to the Presalytics API 
    Story service.

    * The `view` method allows users programattically view their stories at 
    after changes are made

    * The `manage` method takes users to to the story management interface, where users can share their 
    work with other users, continue making edits or change story properties.

    story_outline : presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline
        The presalytics StoryOutline to be rendered and presented
    plugins : list of dict
        Plugin data that transform to html `<script>` and `<link>` tags through
        the rendering process
    site_host : str
        The host of the website.  Defaults to

    view_url : str, optional
         The url to view the story.  Unavailable if story outline has not been pushed to
         the Presalytics API story service

    manage_url : str, optional
         The url to view the story.  Unavailable if story outline has not been pushed to
         the Presalytics API story service
    story_outline: 'StoryOutline'
    plugins: typing.List[typing.Dict]
    view_url: typing.Optional[str]
    manage_url: typing.Optional[str]

    __component_type__ = 'renderer'
    def __init__(self, story_outline : 'StoryOutline', **kwargs):
        super(Renderer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.story_outline = story_outline
            self.site_host = presalytics.CONFIG["HOSTS"]["SITE"]
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            self.site_host = presalytics.lib.constants.SITE_HOST
            story_id = self.story_outline.story_id
            view_endpoint = presalytics.lib.constants.STORY_VIEW_URL.format(story_id)
            self.view_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.site_host, view_endpoint)
            manage_endpoint = presalytics.lib.constants.STORY_MANAGE_URL.format(story_id)
            self.manage_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.site_host, manage_endpoint)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            self.view_url = None
            self.manage_url = None

    def render(self, **kwargs):
        Renders server-side (i.e., opens the story on
        return self.view()

    def strip_unauthorized_scripts(self, body):
        Finds and removes unauthorized scripts from that the html document.  For security reasons,
        content in `<script>` tags that has not been vetted by devops 

        If you would like to get a tag included in the base library, raise an issue on 
        [Github](  We'd love to hear from you and learn 
        about your use case, and will respond promptly to help.
        allowed_scripts = presalytics.lib.plugins.external.ApprovedExternalScripts().attr_dict.flatten().values()
        script_elements = body.findall(".//script")
        for ele in script_elements:
            remove_ele = True
            script_id = ele.get("id")
            if script_id in self.story_outline.allowed_ids:
                remove_ele = False
            link = ele.get("src")
            if link in allowed_scripts:
                remove_ele = False
            if remove_ele:
        return body
    def deserialize(cls, component: 'StoryOutline', **kwargs):
        Initializes the class from a `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`.  See __init___.
        return cls(component, **kwargs)

    def serialize(self) -> 'StoryOutline':
        Updates the story_outline

        A refreshed `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
        return self.story_outline

    def update_outline_from_instances(self, sub_dict: typing.Dict = None):
        If a component instance for the widget is available in `presalytics.COMPONENTS`, 
        this method find the instance and regenerates the component data 
        so the latest data is available during the renering process.
        if not sub_dict:
            sub_dict = self.story_outline.to_dict()
        if sub_dict:
            for key, val in sub_dict.items():
                if key in ["widgets", "themes", "pages"]:
                    if isinstance(val, list):
                        for list_item in val:
                            if isinstance(list_item, dict):
                                if "kind" in list_item:
                                    class_key = key.rstrip("s") + "." + list_item["kind"]
                                    klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                                    if klass:
                                        if "name" in list_item:
                                            instance_key = class_key + "." + list_item["name"]
                                            inst = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(instance_key)
                                            if inst:
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    if len(val.keys()) > 0:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    for list_item in val:
                        if isinstance(list_item, dict):

    def get_component_implicit_plugins(self, sub_dict: typing.Dict = None):
        Retrieves plugin data from plugins attached to `presalytics.story.components`
        classes referenced in the `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
        if not sub_dict:
            sub_dict = self.story_outline.to_dict()
        if sub_dict:
            for key, val in sub_dict.items():
                if key in ["widgets", "themes", "pages"]:
                    if isinstance(val, list):
                        for list_item in val:
                            if isinstance(list_item, dict):
                                if "kind" in list_item:
                                    class_key = key.rstrip("s") + "." + list_item["kind"]
                                    klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                                    if klass:
                                        if len(klass.__plugins__) > 0:
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    if len(val.keys()) > 0:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    for list_item in val:
                        if isinstance(list_item, dict):

    def _set_outline_data_from_instance(self, inst):
        if inst.__component_type__ == 'widget':
        if inst.__component_type__ == 'page':
        if inst.__component_type__ == 'theme':

    def _set_theme_outline_data(self, inst: 'ThemeBase'):
        theme_index = None
        for t in range(0, len(self.story_outline.themes)):
            if == self.story_outline.themes[t].name:
                theme_index = t
            if theme_index:
        theme_outline = inst.serialize()
        if theme_index:
            self.story_outline.themes[theme_index] = theme_outline    

    def _set_page_outline_data(self, inst: 'PageTemplateBase'):
        page_index = None
        for p in range(0, len(self.story_outline.pages)):
            if == self.story_outline.pages[p].name:
                page_index = p
            if page_index:
        page_outline = inst.serialize()
        if page_index:
            self.story_outline.pages[page_index] = page_outline

    def _set_widget_outline_data(self, inst: 'WidgetBase'):
        widget_index: typing.Optional[int]
        page_index: typing.Optional[int]
        widget_index = None
        page_index = None
        for p in range(0, len(self.story_outline.pages)):
            for w in range(0, len(self.story_outline.pages[p].widgets)):
                widget = self.story_outline.pages[p].widgets[w]
                if ==
                    page_index = p
                    widget_index = w
                if page_index:
            if page_index:
        w_outline = inst.serialize()
        if isinstance(page_index, int) and isinstance(widget_index, int): #  Causes 'unsupported target for assingment error`
            self.story_outline.pages[page_index].widgets[widget_index] = w_outline #type: ignore

    def update_story(self):
        Updates the StoryOutline and pushes those updates to the Presalytics API Story service
        client = presalytics.client.api.Client(**self.client_info)
        story = client.story.story_id_get(self.story_outline.story_id)
        story.outline = self.story_outline.dump()
        client.story.story_id_put(, story)
    def view(self, update=False):
        Updates a story and opens it on the website

        update : bool
            Defaults to True.  Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated
            prior to opening in the web browser
        if not self.view_url:
            message = "The outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API yet, and therefore cannot be viewed via"
            raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationError(message=message)
        if update:

    def manage(self, update=False):
        Updates a story and opens the management page on the website

        update : bool
            Defaults to True.  Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated
            prior to opening in the web browser
        if not self.manage_url:
            message = "The outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API yet, and therefore cannot be viewed via"
            raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationError(message=message)
        if update:

class ComponentRegistry(presalytics.lib.registry.RegistryBase):
    A registry of classes and class instances of objects that inherit from

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.instances = {}
        self.instance_regex = re.compile(r'(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)')
        super(ComponentRegistry, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def get_type(self, klass):
        Returns the `__component_type__` attribute on a class
        return getattr(klass, "__component_type__", None)

    def get_name(self, klass):
        Returns the `__component_kind__` attribute on a class
        return getattr(klass, "__component_kind__", None)

    def get_instance_name(self, klass):
        Returns the `name` attribute on an instance
        return getattr(klass, "name", None)

    def get_instance_registry_key(self, klass):
        Creates a registry key from a class instance by concatenating the 
        `__component_type__`, `__component_kind__`, and `name` attributes of an instance
        key = None
        klass_type = self.get_type(klass)
        if klass_type:
            klass_name = self.get_name(klass)
            instance_name = self.get_instance_name(klass)
            if instance_name and klass_name:
                key = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(klass_type, klass_name, instance_name)
                # For now. always show this error, good for user debugging, rather than developer debugging
                message = '{0} instance missing "__component_kind__" or "name" attribute'.format(klass_type)
        return key

    def load_class(self, klass):
        Loads a class or instance into the registry
        if isinstance(klass, ComponentBase):
                key = self.get_instance_registry_key(klass)
                if key:
                    if key not in self.instances.keys():
                        self.instances[key] = klass
            except Exception:
                if self.show_errors:
                    klass_type = self.get_type(klass)
                    message = "Unable to register instance {0} with type {1}".format(klass.__name__, klass_type)

    def get_instance(self, key):
        return self.instances.get(key, None)

    def unregister(self, klass):
        Removes a class or instance from the registry
        key = self.get_instance_registry_key(klass)
        if key:

    def find_instance(self, string_with_key_or_name) -> typing.List[str]:
        is_key = self.instance_regex.match(string_with_key_or_name)
        if is_key:
            return [self.get_instance(string_with_key_or_name)]
            return [x for x in self.instances.keys() if string_with_key_or_name in x]


class ComponentBase (client_info=None, *args, **kwargs)

This class serves as the primary interface clas for the story components. Instances of this interface carry enough information to rendered to html. Developers, analysts and users should inherit from base class if they want components to be registered in the rendering pipeline for presalytics stories.

Instance of this class must: 1. Initialize with a name parameter 2 Serialize to a subclass of presalytics.story.outline.OutlineBase 3. Deserialize from an instance of presalytics.story.OutlineBase 4. Render to html

The component_type and component_name metadata on subclasses is required in order for instances to be registered in rendering pipeline for automatic updates

Note: When inheriting from this base class, call "super().init(self, args, *kwargs)" before add your own custom initialization.


name : str
The name of the instance of the component. Used in component as a key to lookup instances to re-calcute during rendering
css : list of str
A list of keys in dot notation that point to links in the ALLOWED_STYLES dictionary in the presalytics.lib.templates.base module.
js : list of str
A list of keys in dot notation that point to links in the ALLOWED_SCRIPTS dictionary in the presalytics.lib.templates.base module.
__component_type__ : str
The identifier for the component superclass (e.g. widget, page_template, renderer, theme). Used for component registration.
__component_kind__ : str
An identifier for this component class. Used for component registration.
__plugins__ : list of dict
A list of dictionaries that reference Plugin configurations. When a presaltytics.story.components.Renderer is initialized, it will load these plugins into the rendered. This allows plugins to be statically configured on presalytics.story.components classes, in lieu dynamic configurations on StoryOutline instances.
client_info : str
A dict to be unpacked and passed to Client object when subclasses of ComponentBase require interaction with the Presalytics API.
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class ComponentBase(abc.ABC):
    This class serves as the primary interface clas for the story components.  Instances of
    this interface carry enough information to rendered to html.  Developers, analysts and
    users should inherit from base class if they want components to be registered in the
    rendering pipeline for presalytics stories.

    Instance of this class must:
    1. Initialize with a name parameter
    2  Serialize to a subclass of presalytics.story.outline.OutlineBase
    3. Deserialize from an instance of presalytics.story.OutlineBase
    4. Render to html

    The __component_type__ and __component_name__ metadata on subclasses is required in
    order for instances to be registered in rendering pipeline for automatic updates

    Note: When inheriting from this base class, call "super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)" before add your
    own custom initialization.


    name : str
        The name of the instance of the component.  Used in component as a key to lookup
        instances to re-calcute during rendering

    css : list of str
        A list of keys in dot notation that point to links in the ALLOWED_STYLES dictionary
        in the presalytics.lib.templates.base module.

    js: list of str
        A list of keys in dot notation that point to links in the ALLOWED_SCRIPTS dictionary
        in the presalytics.lib.templates.base module.

    __component_type__ : str
        The identifier for the component superclass (e.g. widget, page_template, renderer, theme).
        Used for component registration.

    __component_kind__ : str
        An identifier for this component class.  Used for component registration.

    __plugins__ : list of dict
        A list of dictionaries that reference `presalytics.story.outline.Plugin` configurations.  When a 
        `presaltytics.story.components.Renderer` is initialized, it will load these plugins into the
        rendered.  This allows plugins to be statically configured on `presalytics.story.components` classes,
        in lieu dynamic configurations on `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline` instances.

    client_info : str
        A `dict` to be unpacked and passed to `presalytics.client.api.Client` object when subclasses of
        `ComponentBase` require interaction with the Presalytics API.
    __component_type__: str
    __component_kind__: str
    __plugins__: typing.List[typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]]
    name: str

    __plugins__ = []

    def __init__(self, client_info: typing.Dict = None, *args, **kwargs):
        if client_info:
            self.client_info = client_info
            self.client_info = {}
            if kwargs.get('delegate_login', None):
                self.client_info.update({'delegate_login': kwargs.get('delegate_login')})
            if kwargs.get('cache_tokens', None):
                self.client_info.update({'cache_tokens': kwargs.get('cache_tokens')})
            if kwargs.get('token', None):
                self.client_info.update({'token': kwargs.get('token')})

    def render(self, **kwargs):
        Renders `component` to html.  Must be overridden in subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def serialize(self):
        Initializes `component` object from `presalytics.story.outline` attributes. Must be overridden in subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def deserialize(cls, component, **kwargs):
        Converts `component` instance to a `presalytics.story.outline` object. Must be overridden in subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_client(self, **kwargs):
        Initializes `presalytics.client.api.Client` using `client_info`
        params = self.client_info
        return presalytics.client.api.Client(**params)


  • abc.ABC


Static methods

def deserialize(component, **kwargs)

Converts component instance to a presalytics.story.outline object. Must be overridden in subclass.

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def deserialize(cls, component, **kwargs):
    Converts `component` instance to a `presalytics.story.outline` object. Must be overridden in subclass.
    raise NotImplementedError


def render(self, **kwargs)

Renders component to html. Must be overridden in subclass.

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def render(self, **kwargs):
    Renders `component` to html.  Must be overridden in subclass.
    raise NotImplementedError
def serialize(self)

Initializes component object from presalytics.story.outline attributes. Must be overridden in subclass.

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def serialize(self):
    Initializes `component` object from `presalytics.story.outline` attributes. Must be overridden in subclass.
    raise NotImplementedError
def get_client(self, **kwargs)

Initializes Client using client_info

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def get_client(self, **kwargs):
    Initializes `presalytics.client.api.Client` using `client_info`
    params = self.client_info
    return presalytics.client.api.Client(**params)
class WidgetBase (name, *args, **kwargs)

Inherit from this base class to create widget components that can be rendered to html via the Renderer class. This component also needs to build a method that allows the widget to be serialzed into a Widget object.


widget : Widget
A Widget object use for initialized the component class.


outline_widget : Widget
A Widget object
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class WidgetBase(ComponentBase):
    Inherit from this base class to create widget components that can be rendered to html via the
    `presalytics.story.components.Renderer` class.  This component also needs to build a method
    that allows the widget to be serialzed into a `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object.

    widget: Widget
        A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object use for initialized the component class.

    outline_widget: Widget
        A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object
    outline_widget: typing.Optional['Widget']

    __component_type__ = 'widget'

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        super(WidgetBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = name
        self.outline_widget = None

    def render(self, component, **kwargs):
        self.to_html(component, **kwargs)

    def to_html(self, data: typing.Dict = None, **kwargs) -> str:
        Returns valid html that renders the widget in a browser.

        data: dict
            The data parameter is a dictionary should contain the minimum amount of that is required to
            successfully render the object.  As the widget is update, data control how the display of
            information changes.

            Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the `to_html` function.
            these keyword arguments should be invariant through successive updates to the chart.  For example,
            keyword arguments could control the styling of the widget, which should not change as the data in
            the object (e.g., a chart) is updated.  Keyword arguments are loaded via `additional_properties`
            parameter in in the `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object.

        A str of containing an html fragment that will be loaded into a template in successive operations
        raise NotImplementedError

    def serialize(self, **kwargs) -> 'Widget':
        Creates `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object from instance data. This widget should
        have the correct `name`, `data` and `additional_properties` so the same widget can be reconstituted
        via the to_html method, given the same set of data.

        Typically, this method will call an update method that run a local script with updates this
        Widget's data Dictionary prior being loading into the Widget outline object for serialization.

            Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the to_html function.
            these keyword arguments should be be invariant through successive updates to the chart. Overrides
            for this widgets default additional_properties should be loaded via these keyword arguments.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def deserialize(cls, component: 'Widget', **kwargs) -> 'WidgetBase':
        Creates an instance of the widget from the data object in the `presalytics.story.outline.Widget`
        object. This method exists to ensure widgets can be portable across environments.  To clarify,
        widgets built on the client-side via the `__init__` method can be reconstructed server-side via
        the deserialize method.  This allows decoupling of the widget generation/updating of data and
        the rendering of the widget in a UI.  Renderers (e.g., `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer` object)
        need not know about how the data get updated, but can update the graphic with data generated by
        the widget when the serialize method is called.


        widget: Widget
            A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object

        `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase` subclass instance
        raise NotImplementedError



Static methods

def deserialize(component, **kwargs)

Creates an instance of the widget from the data object in the Widget object. This method exists to ensure widgets can be portable across environments. To clarify, widgets built on the client-side via the __init__ method can be reconstructed server-side via the deserialize method. This allows decoupling of the widget generation/updating of data and the rendering of the widget in a UI. Renderers (e.g., Revealer object) need not know about how the data get updated, but can update the graphic with data generated by the widget when the serialize method is called.


widget : Widget
A Widget object


WidgetBase subclass instance

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def deserialize(cls, component: 'Widget', **kwargs) -> 'WidgetBase':
    Creates an instance of the widget from the data object in the `presalytics.story.outline.Widget`
    object. This method exists to ensure widgets can be portable across environments.  To clarify,
    widgets built on the client-side via the `__init__` method can be reconstructed server-side via
    the deserialize method.  This allows decoupling of the widget generation/updating of data and
    the rendering of the widget in a UI.  Renderers (e.g., `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer` object)
    need not know about how the data get updated, but can update the graphic with data generated by
    the widget when the serialize method is called.


    widget: Widget
        A `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object

    `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase` subclass instance
    raise NotImplementedError


def to_html(self, data=None, **kwargs)

Returns valid html that renders the widget in a browser.


data : dict
The data parameter is a dictionary should contain the minimum amount of that is required to successfully render the object. As the widget is update, data control how the display of information changes.

**kwargs: Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the to_html function. these keyword arguments should be invariant through successive updates to the chart. For example, keyword arguments could control the styling of the widget, which should not change as the data in the object (e.g., a chart) is updated. Keyword arguments are loaded via additional_properties parameter in in the Widget object.


A str of containing an html fragment that will be loaded into a template in successive operations
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def to_html(self, data: typing.Dict = None, **kwargs) -> str:
    Returns valid html that renders the widget in a browser.

    data: dict
        The data parameter is a dictionary should contain the minimum amount of that is required to
        successfully render the object.  As the widget is update, data control how the display of
        information changes.

        Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the `to_html` function.
        these keyword arguments should be invariant through successive updates to the chart.  For example,
        keyword arguments could control the styling of the widget, which should not change as the data in
        the object (e.g., a chart) is updated.  Keyword arguments are loaded via `additional_properties`
        parameter in in the `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object.

    A str of containing an html fragment that will be loaded into a template in successive operations
    raise NotImplementedError
def serialize(self, **kwargs)

Creates Widget object from instance data. This widget should have the correct name, data and additional_properties so the same widget can be reconstituted via the to_html method, given the same set of data.

Typically, this method will call an update method that run a local script with updates this Widget's data Dictionary prior being loading into the Widget outline object for serialization.


**kwargs: Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the to_html function. these keyword arguments should be be invariant through successive updates to the chart. Overrides for this widgets default additional_properties should be loaded via these keyword arguments.

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def serialize(self, **kwargs) -> 'Widget':
    Creates `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` object from instance data. This widget should
    have the correct `name`, `data` and `additional_properties` so the same widget can be reconstituted
    via the to_html method, given the same set of data.

    Typically, this method will call an update method that run a local script with updates this
    Widget's data Dictionary prior being loading into the Widget outline object for serialization.

        Optional keyword arguments can be used in subclass to modify the behavior of the to_html function.
        these keyword arguments should be be invariant through successive updates to the chart. Overrides
        for this widgets default additional_properties should be loaded via these keyword arguments.

    raise NotImplementedError

Inherited members

class PageTemplateBase (page, **kwargs)

Inherit from this base class to render templates to html via the Revealer class.


page : Page
A presalytics.story.outline.Page object for instalizing the class


outline_page : Page
The page data
widgets : list of subclasses of WidgetBase
A list widget that will be loaded into templates and rendered via placeholders. These widgets must have a "to_html(self, data, **kwargs)" method.
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class PageTemplateBase(ComponentBase):
    Inherit from this base class to render templates to html via the
    `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer` class.

    page: Page
        A presalytics.story.outline.Page object for instalizing the class

    outline_page: presalytics.story.outline.Page
        The page data

    widgets: list of subclasses of presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase
        A list widget that will be loaded into templates and rendered via placeholders.
        These widgets must have a "to_html(self, data, **kwargs)" method.


    outline_page: 'Page'
    widgets: typing.List['WidgetBase']
    plugins: typing.List[typing.Dict]

    __component_type__ = 'page'

    def __init__(self, page: 'Page', **kwargs) -> None:
        super(PageTemplateBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.outline_page = page
        self.widgets = self.get_page_widgets(self.outline_page)

    def render(self, **kwargs) -> str:
        Returns valid html that renders the template in a broswer with data loaded from widgets.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load_widget(self, widget: 'Widget'):
        Converts a presalytics.story.outline.Widget object to a subclass of WidgetComponentBase
        via the `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry.
        class_key = "widget." + widget.kind
        key = class_key + "." +
            if presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(key):
                widget_instance = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(key)
                klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                deserialize_method = getattr(klass, "deserialize", None)
                if callable(deserialize_method):
                    widget_instance = deserialize_method(widget, client_info=self.client_info)
                    message = "Widget component instance or class (kind) {0} unavailable in component registry".format(key)
                    raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.MissingConfigException(message)
        except Exception as ex:
            if not presalytics.CONFIG.get("DEBUG", False):
                widget_instance = presalytics.lib.exceptions.RenderExceptionHandler(ex)
                t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
                six.reraise(t, v, tb)
        return widget_instance

    def get_page_widgets(self, page: 'Page'):
        Converts the widgets within a `presalytics.story.outline.Page` object to a list
        of widgets subclassed from `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase`
        widget_instances = []
        for widget_outline in page.widgets:
            next_widget = self.load_widget(widget_outline)
        return widget_instances
    def serialize(self):
        return self.outline_page.dump()

    def deseriailize(cls, component, **kwargs):
        return cls(page=component)



Static methods

def deseriailize(component, **kwargs)
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def deseriailize(cls, component, **kwargs):
    return cls(page=component)


def render(self, **kwargs)

Returns valid html that renders the template in a broswer with data loaded from widgets.

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def render(self, **kwargs) -> str:
    Returns valid html that renders the template in a broswer with data loaded from widgets.
    raise NotImplementedError
def load_widget(self, widget)

Converts a presalytics.story.outline.Widget object to a subclass of WidgetComponentBase via the COMPONENTS registry.

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def load_widget(self, widget: 'Widget'):
    Converts a presalytics.story.outline.Widget object to a subclass of WidgetComponentBase
    via the `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry.
    class_key = "widget." + widget.kind
    key = class_key + "." +
        if presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(key):
            widget_instance = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(key)
            klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
            deserialize_method = getattr(klass, "deserialize", None)
            if callable(deserialize_method):
                widget_instance = deserialize_method(widget, client_info=self.client_info)
                message = "Widget component instance or class (kind) {0} unavailable in component registry".format(key)
                raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.MissingConfigException(message)
    except Exception as ex:
        if not presalytics.CONFIG.get("DEBUG", False):
            widget_instance = presalytics.lib.exceptions.RenderExceptionHandler(ex)
            t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
            six.reraise(t, v, tb)
    return widget_instance
def get_page_widgets(self, page)

Converts the widgets within a Page object to a list of widgets subclassed from WidgetBase

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def get_page_widgets(self, page: 'Page'):
    Converts the widgets within a `presalytics.story.outline.Page` object to a list
    of widgets subclassed from `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase`
    widget_instances = []
    for widget_outline in page.widgets:
        next_widget = self.load_widget(widget_outline)
    return widget_instances

Inherited members

class ThemeBase (**kwargs)

Themes are containers for plugins should be rendered once across the entire document. The init method should configure parameters with get passed to plugins via serialization and deserialization.

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class ThemeBase(ComponentBase):
    Themes are containers for plugins should be rendered once
    across the entire document.  The init method should configure
    parameters with get passed to plugins via serialization and 
    plugins: typing.Optional[typing.List['Plugin']]

    __component_type__ = 'theme'

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def render(self, **kwargs):



Inherited members

class Renderer (story_outline, **kwargs)

Base class for objects that convert StoryOutline objects into html and rendering them over the web

With this class, users can push changes to their StoryOutline to the Presalytics API and web clients. Renderer class contains a couplemethods for syncing changes from component instances in the CONFIG to the Presalytics API Story service.

  • The view method allows users programattically view their stories at after changes are made

  • The manage method takes users to to the story management interface, where users can share their work with other users, continue making edits or change story properties.


story_outline : StoryOutline
The presalytics StoryOutline to be rendered and presented


plugins : list of dict
Plugin data that transform to html <script> and <link> tags through the rendering process
site_host : str
The host of the website. Defaults to
view_url : str, optional
The url to view the story. Unavailable if story outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API story service
manage_url : str, optional
The url to view the story. Unavailable if story outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API story service
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class Renderer(ComponentBase):
    Base class for objects that convert `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline` 
    objects into html and rendering them over the web

    With this class, users can push changes to their `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
    to the Presalytics API and web clients.  Renderer class contains a couplemethods for 
    syncing changes from component instances in the `presalytics.CONFIG` to the Presalytics API 
    Story service.

    * The `view` method allows users programattically view their stories at 
    after changes are made

    * The `manage` method takes users to to the story management interface, where users can share their 
    work with other users, continue making edits or change story properties.

    story_outline : presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline
        The presalytics StoryOutline to be rendered and presented
    plugins : list of dict
        Plugin data that transform to html `<script>` and `<link>` tags through
        the rendering process
    site_host : str
        The host of the website.  Defaults to

    view_url : str, optional
         The url to view the story.  Unavailable if story outline has not been pushed to
         the Presalytics API story service

    manage_url : str, optional
         The url to view the story.  Unavailable if story outline has not been pushed to
         the Presalytics API story service
    story_outline: 'StoryOutline'
    plugins: typing.List[typing.Dict]
    view_url: typing.Optional[str]
    manage_url: typing.Optional[str]

    __component_type__ = 'renderer'
    def __init__(self, story_outline : 'StoryOutline', **kwargs):
        super(Renderer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.story_outline = story_outline
            self.site_host = presalytics.CONFIG["HOSTS"]["SITE"]
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            self.site_host = presalytics.lib.constants.SITE_HOST
            story_id = self.story_outline.story_id
            view_endpoint = presalytics.lib.constants.STORY_VIEW_URL.format(story_id)
            self.view_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.site_host, view_endpoint)
            manage_endpoint = presalytics.lib.constants.STORY_MANAGE_URL.format(story_id)
            self.manage_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self.site_host, manage_endpoint)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            self.view_url = None
            self.manage_url = None

    def render(self, **kwargs):
        Renders server-side (i.e., opens the story on
        return self.view()

    def strip_unauthorized_scripts(self, body):
        Finds and removes unauthorized scripts from that the html document.  For security reasons,
        content in `<script>` tags that has not been vetted by devops 

        If you would like to get a tag included in the base library, raise an issue on 
        [Github](  We'd love to hear from you and learn 
        about your use case, and will respond promptly to help.
        allowed_scripts = presalytics.lib.plugins.external.ApprovedExternalScripts().attr_dict.flatten().values()
        script_elements = body.findall(".//script")
        for ele in script_elements:
            remove_ele = True
            script_id = ele.get("id")
            if script_id in self.story_outline.allowed_ids:
                remove_ele = False
            link = ele.get("src")
            if link in allowed_scripts:
                remove_ele = False
            if remove_ele:
        return body
    def deserialize(cls, component: 'StoryOutline', **kwargs):
        Initializes the class from a `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`.  See __init___.
        return cls(component, **kwargs)

    def serialize(self) -> 'StoryOutline':
        Updates the story_outline

        A refreshed `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
        return self.story_outline

    def update_outline_from_instances(self, sub_dict: typing.Dict = None):
        If a component instance for the widget is available in `presalytics.COMPONENTS`, 
        this method find the instance and regenerates the component data 
        so the latest data is available during the renering process.
        if not sub_dict:
            sub_dict = self.story_outline.to_dict()
        if sub_dict:
            for key, val in sub_dict.items():
                if key in ["widgets", "themes", "pages"]:
                    if isinstance(val, list):
                        for list_item in val:
                            if isinstance(list_item, dict):
                                if "kind" in list_item:
                                    class_key = key.rstrip("s") + "." + list_item["kind"]
                                    klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                                    if klass:
                                        if "name" in list_item:
                                            instance_key = class_key + "." + list_item["name"]
                                            inst = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(instance_key)
                                            if inst:
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    if len(val.keys()) > 0:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    for list_item in val:
                        if isinstance(list_item, dict):

    def get_component_implicit_plugins(self, sub_dict: typing.Dict = None):
        Retrieves plugin data from plugins attached to `presalytics.story.components`
        classes referenced in the `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
        if not sub_dict:
            sub_dict = self.story_outline.to_dict()
        if sub_dict:
            for key, val in sub_dict.items():
                if key in ["widgets", "themes", "pages"]:
                    if isinstance(val, list):
                        for list_item in val:
                            if isinstance(list_item, dict):
                                if "kind" in list_item:
                                    class_key = key.rstrip("s") + "." + list_item["kind"]
                                    klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                                    if klass:
                                        if len(klass.__plugins__) > 0:
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    if len(val.keys()) > 0:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    for list_item in val:
                        if isinstance(list_item, dict):

    def _set_outline_data_from_instance(self, inst):
        if inst.__component_type__ == 'widget':
        if inst.__component_type__ == 'page':
        if inst.__component_type__ == 'theme':

    def _set_theme_outline_data(self, inst: 'ThemeBase'):
        theme_index = None
        for t in range(0, len(self.story_outline.themes)):
            if == self.story_outline.themes[t].name:
                theme_index = t
            if theme_index:
        theme_outline = inst.serialize()
        if theme_index:
            self.story_outline.themes[theme_index] = theme_outline    

    def _set_page_outline_data(self, inst: 'PageTemplateBase'):
        page_index = None
        for p in range(0, len(self.story_outline.pages)):
            if == self.story_outline.pages[p].name:
                page_index = p
            if page_index:
        page_outline = inst.serialize()
        if page_index:
            self.story_outline.pages[page_index] = page_outline

    def _set_widget_outline_data(self, inst: 'WidgetBase'):
        widget_index: typing.Optional[int]
        page_index: typing.Optional[int]
        widget_index = None
        page_index = None
        for p in range(0, len(self.story_outline.pages)):
            for w in range(0, len(self.story_outline.pages[p].widgets)):
                widget = self.story_outline.pages[p].widgets[w]
                if ==
                    page_index = p
                    widget_index = w
                if page_index:
            if page_index:
        w_outline = inst.serialize()
        if isinstance(page_index, int) and isinstance(widget_index, int): #  Causes 'unsupported target for assingment error`
            self.story_outline.pages[page_index].widgets[widget_index] = w_outline #type: ignore

    def update_story(self):
        Updates the StoryOutline and pushes those updates to the Presalytics API Story service
        client = presalytics.client.api.Client(**self.client_info)
        story = client.story.story_id_get(self.story_outline.story_id)
        story.outline = self.story_outline.dump()
        client.story.story_id_put(, story)
    def view(self, update=False):
        Updates a story and opens it on the website

        update : bool
            Defaults to True.  Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated
            prior to opening in the web browser
        if not self.view_url:
            message = "The outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API yet, and therefore cannot be viewed via"
            raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationError(message=message)
        if update:

    def manage(self, update=False):
        Updates a story and opens the management page on the website

        update : bool
            Defaults to True.  Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated
            prior to opening in the web browser
        if not self.manage_url:
            message = "The outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API yet, and therefore cannot be viewed via"
            raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationError(message=message)
        if update:



Static methods

def deserialize(component, **kwargs)

Initializes the class from a StoryOutline. See __init___.

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def deserialize(cls, component: 'StoryOutline', **kwargs):
    Initializes the class from a `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`.  See __init___.
    return cls(component, **kwargs)


def render(self, **kwargs)

Renders server-side (i.e., opens the story on

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def render(self, **kwargs):
    Renders server-side (i.e., opens the story on
    return self.view()
def strip_unauthorized_scripts(self, body)

Finds and removes unauthorized scripts from that the html document. For security reasons, content in <script> tags that has not been vetted by devops

If you would like to get a tag included in the base library, raise an issue on Github. We'd love to hear from you and learn about your use case, and will respond promptly to help.

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def strip_unauthorized_scripts(self, body):
    Finds and removes unauthorized scripts from that the html document.  For security reasons,
    content in `<script>` tags that has not been vetted by devops 

    If you would like to get a tag included in the base library, raise an issue on 
    [Github](  We'd love to hear from you and learn 
    about your use case, and will respond promptly to help.
    allowed_scripts = presalytics.lib.plugins.external.ApprovedExternalScripts().attr_dict.flatten().values()
    script_elements = body.findall(".//script")
    for ele in script_elements:
        remove_ele = True
        script_id = ele.get("id")
        if script_id in self.story_outline.allowed_ids:
            remove_ele = False
        link = ele.get("src")
        if link in allowed_scripts:
            remove_ele = False
        if remove_ele:
    return body
def serialize(self)

Updates the story_outline


A refreshed StoryOutline

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def serialize(self) -> 'StoryOutline':
    Updates the story_outline

    A refreshed `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
    return self.story_outline
def update_outline_from_instances(self, sub_dict=None)

If a component instance for the widget is available in COMPONENTS, this method find the instance and regenerates the component data so the latest data is available during the renering process.

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def update_outline_from_instances(self, sub_dict: typing.Dict = None):
    If a component instance for the widget is available in `presalytics.COMPONENTS`, 
    this method find the instance and regenerates the component data 
    so the latest data is available during the renering process.
    if not sub_dict:
        sub_dict = self.story_outline.to_dict()
    if sub_dict:
        for key, val in sub_dict.items():
            if key in ["widgets", "themes", "pages"]:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    for list_item in val:
                        if isinstance(list_item, dict):
                            if "kind" in list_item:
                                class_key = key.rstrip("s") + "." + list_item["kind"]
                                klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                                if klass:
                                    if "name" in list_item:
                                        instance_key = class_key + "." + list_item["name"]
                                        inst = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get_instance(instance_key)
                                        if inst:
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                if len(val.keys()) > 0:
            if isinstance(val, list):
                for list_item in val:
                    if isinstance(list_item, dict):
def get_component_implicit_plugins(self, sub_dict=None)

Retrieves plugin data from plugins attached to presalytics.story.components classes referenced in the StoryOutline

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def get_component_implicit_plugins(self, sub_dict: typing.Dict = None):
    Retrieves plugin data from plugins attached to `presalytics.story.components`
    classes referenced in the `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`
    if not sub_dict:
        sub_dict = self.story_outline.to_dict()
    if sub_dict:
        for key, val in sub_dict.items():
            if key in ["widgets", "themes", "pages"]:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    for list_item in val:
                        if isinstance(list_item, dict):
                            if "kind" in list_item:
                                class_key = key.rstrip("s") + "." + list_item["kind"]
                                klass = presalytics.COMPONENTS.get(class_key)
                                if klass:
                                    if len(klass.__plugins__) > 0:
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                if len(val.keys()) > 0:
            if isinstance(val, list):
                for list_item in val:
                    if isinstance(list_item, dict):
def update_story(self)

Updates the StoryOutline and pushes those updates to the Presalytics API Story service

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def update_story(self):
    Updates the StoryOutline and pushes those updates to the Presalytics API Story service
    client = presalytics.client.api.Client(**self.client_info)
    story = client.story.story_id_get(self.story_outline.story_id)
    story.outline = self.story_outline.dump()
    client.story.story_id_put(, story)
def view(self, update=False)

Updates a story and opens it on the website


update : bool
Defaults to True. Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated prior to opening in the web browser
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def view(self, update=False):
    Updates a story and opens it on the website

    update : bool
        Defaults to True.  Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated
        prior to opening in the web browser
    if not self.view_url:
        message = "The outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API yet, and therefore cannot be viewed via"
        raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationError(message=message)
    if update:
def manage(self, update=False)

Updates a story and opens the management page on the website


update : bool
Defaults to True. Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated prior to opening in the web browser
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def manage(self, update=False):
    Updates a story and opens the management page on the website

    update : bool
        Defaults to True.  Indicates whether the StoryOutline should be updated
        prior to opening in the web browser
    if not self.manage_url:
        message = "The outline has not been pushed to the Presalytics API yet, and therefore cannot be viewed via"
        raise presalytics.lib.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationError(message=message)
    if update:

Inherited members

class ComponentRegistry (**kwargs)

A registry of classes and class instances of objects that inherit from ComponentBase.

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class ComponentRegistry(presalytics.lib.registry.RegistryBase):
    A registry of classes and class instances of objects that inherit from

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.instances = {}
        self.instance_regex = re.compile(r'(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)')
        super(ComponentRegistry, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def get_type(self, klass):
        Returns the `__component_type__` attribute on a class
        return getattr(klass, "__component_type__", None)

    def get_name(self, klass):
        Returns the `__component_kind__` attribute on a class
        return getattr(klass, "__component_kind__", None)

    def get_instance_name(self, klass):
        Returns the `name` attribute on an instance
        return getattr(klass, "name", None)

    def get_instance_registry_key(self, klass):
        Creates a registry key from a class instance by concatenating the 
        `__component_type__`, `__component_kind__`, and `name` attributes of an instance
        key = None
        klass_type = self.get_type(klass)
        if klass_type:
            klass_name = self.get_name(klass)
            instance_name = self.get_instance_name(klass)
            if instance_name and klass_name:
                key = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(klass_type, klass_name, instance_name)
                # For now. always show this error, good for user debugging, rather than developer debugging
                message = '{0} instance missing "__component_kind__" or "name" attribute'.format(klass_type)
        return key

    def load_class(self, klass):
        Loads a class or instance into the registry
        if isinstance(klass, ComponentBase):
                key = self.get_instance_registry_key(klass)
                if key:
                    if key not in self.instances.keys():
                        self.instances[key] = klass
            except Exception:
                if self.show_errors:
                    klass_type = self.get_type(klass)
                    message = "Unable to register instance {0} with type {1}".format(klass.__name__, klass_type)

    def get_instance(self, key):
        return self.instances.get(key, None)

    def unregister(self, klass):
        Removes a class or instance from the registry
        key = self.get_instance_registry_key(klass)
        if key:

    def find_instance(self, string_with_key_or_name) -> typing.List[str]:
        is_key = self.instance_regex.match(string_with_key_or_name)
        if is_key:
            return [self.get_instance(string_with_key_or_name)]
            return [x for x in self.instances.keys() if string_with_key_or_name in x]



def get_type(self, klass)

Returns the __component_type__ attribute on a class

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def get_type(self, klass):
    Returns the `__component_type__` attribute on a class
    return getattr(klass, "__component_type__", None)
def get_name(self, klass)

Returns the __component_kind__ attribute on a class

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def get_name(self, klass):
    Returns the `__component_kind__` attribute on a class
    return getattr(klass, "__component_kind__", None)
def get_instance_name(self, klass)

Returns the name attribute on an instance

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def get_instance_name(self, klass):
    Returns the `name` attribute on an instance
    return getattr(klass, "name", None)
def get_instance_registry_key(self, klass)

Creates a registry key from a class instance by concatenating the __component_type__, __component_kind__, and name attributes of an instance

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def get_instance_registry_key(self, klass):
    Creates a registry key from a class instance by concatenating the 
    `__component_type__`, `__component_kind__`, and `name` attributes of an instance
    key = None
    klass_type = self.get_type(klass)
    if klass_type:
        klass_name = self.get_name(klass)
        instance_name = self.get_instance_name(klass)
        if instance_name and klass_name:
            key = "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(klass_type, klass_name, instance_name)
            # For now. always show this error, good for user debugging, rather than developer debugging
            message = '{0} instance missing "__component_kind__" or "name" attribute'.format(klass_type)
    return key
def load_class(self, klass)

Loads a class or instance into the registry

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def load_class(self, klass):
    Loads a class or instance into the registry
    if isinstance(klass, ComponentBase):
            key = self.get_instance_registry_key(klass)
            if key:
                if key not in self.instances.keys():
                    self.instances[key] = klass
        except Exception:
            if self.show_errors:
                klass_type = self.get_type(klass)
                message = "Unable to register instance {0} with type {1}".format(klass.__name__, klass_type)
def get_instance(self, key)
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def get_instance(self, key):
    return self.instances.get(key, None)
def unregister(self, klass)

Removes a class or instance from the registry

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def unregister(self, klass):
    Removes a class or instance from the registry
    key = self.get_instance_registry_key(klass)
    if key:
def find_instance(self, string_with_key_or_name)
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def find_instance(self, string_with_key_or_name) -> typing.List[str]:
    is_key = self.instance_regex.match(string_with_key_or_name)
    if is_key:
        return [self.get_instance(string_with_key_or_name)]
        return [x for x in self.instances.keys() if string_with_key_or_name in x]

Inherited members