Module presalytics.story.outline

Module helps serialize and deserialize presalytics story outlines to/from json and yaml source data. Classes in this module acts are interfaces between story outlines and component objects

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Module helps serialize and deserialize presalytics story outlines to/from json and yaml source data.
Classes in this module acts are interfaces between story outlines and `component` objects
import json
import numpy as np
import base64
import yaml
import inspect
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import uuid
import abc
import typing
import sys
import os
import semantic_version
import jsonschema
from presalytics.story.util import to_camel_case, to_snake_case
from presalytics.lib.exceptions import ValidationError

class OutlineEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Json encoder for `presalytics.story.outline.OutlineBase` objects
    def default(self, obj):
        Override method for deserializing objects that inherit from 
        if issubclass(obj.__class__, OutlineBase):
            return obj.to_dict()
        if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
            return obj.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
        if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID):
            return str(obj)
        # Generalized numpy encoder/decoder -- for http transport
        # If input object is an ndarray it will be converted into a dict 
        # holding dtype, shape and the data, base64 encoded.
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            if obj.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
                obj_data =
                cont_obj = np.ascontiguousarray(obj)
                obj_data =
            data_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj_data).decode('utf-8')
            return dict(__ndarray__=data_b64,
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def json_numpy_obj_hook(dct):
    Decodes a previously encoded numpy ndarray with proper shape and dtype.
    if isinstance(dct, dict) and '__ndarray__' in dct:
        data = base64.b64decode(dct['__ndarray__'].encode('utf-8'))
        return np.frombuffer(data, dct['dtype']).reshape(dct['shape'])
    return dct

def get_current_spec_version():
    Get the latest version of the story outline schema via reading foldernames in 
    the schemas subfolder of this file's directory
    schema_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "schemas")
    major, minor, patch = None, None, None
    latest = None
    for _dir in os.listdir(schema_dir):
        if not latest: 
            latest = semantic_version.Version(_dir)
        elif latest < semantic_version.Version(_dir):
            latest = semantic_version.Version(_dir)
    return str(latest)

def load_schema(version_number):
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "schemas", version_number, "story-outline.schema.json")
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    return data

def load_latest_schema():
    version_number = get_current_spec_version()
    return load_schema(version_number)

class OutlineBase(abc.ABC):
    Base object for building Story Outlines

    Includes methods for validiating, serializing, and deserializing outline classes
    __annotations__: typing.Dict
    __required__: typing.Sequence[str]
    additional_properties: typing.Dict

    __required__ = []
    A `list` of `str` objects representation attributes required to be to present
    in order for an instance to be deserialized.  Checked when the `validate` method is

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if "additional_properties" in kwargs:
            self.additional_properties = kwargs["additional_properties"]
            self.additional_properties = kwargs

    def validate(self):
        Ensures that the outline component has all required attributes.  Raises
        a `presalytics.lib.exceptions.ValidationError` if required attributes are 
        missing.  Reads the list of requried objects from the __required__ class
        for key in self.__required__:
            if not hasattr(self, key):
                err_message = 'Could not load {0} object, source data missing "{1}" key'.format(self.__class__.__name__, key)
                raise ValidationError(err_message)

    def deserialize(cls, json_obj: dict):
        Serializes a `dict` into  class instance

        json_obj : dict
            A dictionary containing attributes of the class
            A `class` instance
        if type(json_obj) == cls:
            return json_obj
        updated_obj = {}
        for key, val in json_obj.items():
            new_key = to_snake_case(key)
            updated_obj.update({new_key: val})
        for req in inspect.getargspec(cls).args:
            if req not in updated_obj and req != 'self':
                updated_obj.update({req: None})
        return cls(**updated_obj)

    def load(cls, json_str: str):
        Serializes a `str` into  class instance

        json_str : str
            A dictionary containing attributes of the class
        A `class` instance
        json_obj = json.loads(json_str)
        return cls.deserialize(json_obj)

    def import_yaml(cls, yaml_file: str):
        Serializes a yaml from a file into a class instance

        yaml_file : str
            Filepath to the file with yaml representing that class
        A `class` instance
        with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
            obj = yaml.unsafe_load(file) # use unsafe loader per:, Monitor for fix.
        return cls.deserialize(obj)

    def export_yaml(self, filename):
        Dumps yaml-formatted text representing the class instance into a file

        filename : str
            Filepath to the location where the yaml fiel shoudl be dumped
        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
            yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), file)

    def dump(self):
        Serialize the class instance to a stringified Json object

        A `str` object representing the class instance in json
        return json.dumps(self, cls=OutlineEncoder)

    def to_dict(self):
        Converts an instance to a `dict` object of attributes.
        Used for further serialization.

        A `dict` object containing instance attributes
        ret = {}
        for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
            if key not in self.__required__:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    if len(val) == 0:
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    if len(val.items()) == 0:
            ret_key = "{}".format(to_camel_case(key))
            ret_val = json.loads(json.dumps(val, cls=OutlineEncoder), encoding='utf-8', object_hook=json_numpy_obj_hook)
            ret[ret_key] = ret_val
        return ret

class Info(OutlineBase):
    Carries metadata for a `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`

    revision : str
        The current revision number of the story outline
    date_created : datetime.datetime
        The creation date of the story in UTC 
    date_modified : datetime.dataime
        The last modified  date of the story in UTC 
    created_by : str
        The Presalytics API user id of the user that created the story
    modified_by : str
        The Presalytics API user id of the user that last modified the story
    revision_notes : str, optional
        Text explaining the changes made during that latest revision to the story
    revision: str
    date_created: datetime.datetime
    date_modified: datetime.datetime
    created_by: str
    modified_by: str
    revision_notes: str

    def __init__(self,
        super(Info, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.revision = revision
        self.date_created = dateutil.parser.parse(date_created).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
        self.date_modified = dateutil.parser.parse(date_modified).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
        self.created_by = created_by
        self.modified_by = modified_by
        self.revision_notes = revision_notes

class Plugin(OutlineBase):
    Represents at plugin to be incorporated in the story during rendering process.  The information
    contain in this object is passed to subclass of `presalytics.lib.plugins.base.PluginBase` found
    in the `presalytics.PLUGINS` registry. at render-time.

    kind : str
        The kind of Plugin.  Usually either "style" for a `presalytics.lib.plugins.base.StylePlugin`
        or "script" for a `presalytics.lib.plugins.base.ScriptPlugin`

    name : str
        The name of the plugin.  A name must be unique within a 
        given `presalytics.PLUGINS` registry.

    config : dict
        The configiuration of the plugin.  The keys in this dictionary are unqiue to a given 
    kind: str
    name: str
    config: typing.Dict

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, kind, name, config, **kwargs):
        super(Plugin, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.kind = kind = name
        self.config = config

class Widget(OutlineBase):
    A represenation of an analytic or graphic object to be rendered within a 
    `presalytics.story.outline.Page`. At render-time, the `presalytics.COMPONENTS`
    registry is queried for a matching class or instance. If found, the widget is

    kind : str
        The kind of Widget. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from 

    name : str
        The name of the Widget.  Correpsonds to a local instance of 
        `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase` loaded into `presalytics.COMPONENTS`

    data : dict
        Widget data required so the corresponding subclass of `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase`
        can initialize and render
    plugins : list of presalytics.story.outline.Plugin
        A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
    name: str
    kind: str
    data: typing.Dict[str, str]
    plugins: typing.Sequence

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, name, kind, data, plugins=None, **kwargs):
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.kind = kind
        if data:
   = data
   = {}
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []

class Page(OutlineBase):
    A representation of a canvas on which `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` objects
    can be rendered. At render-time, the `presalytics.COMPONENTS`
    registry is queried for a matching class. If found, the page and its
    widgets are rendered.

    kind : str
        The kind of Page. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from 

    name : str
        The name of the Page.  A name must be unique within a 
        given `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry

    widgets : list of presalytics.story.outline.Widget
        Widgets that will be rendered along with the page        
    plugins : list of presalytics.story.outline.Plugin
        A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget

    name: str
    kind: str
    widgets: typing.Sequence[Widget]
    plugins: typing.List[Plugin]

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, name, kind, widgets, plugins=None, **kwargs):
        super(Page, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.kind = kind
        if widgets:
            self.widgets = [Widget.deserialize(x) for x in widgets]
            self.widgets = []
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []

class Theme(OutlineBase):
    A container for story properties that persist accross all pages of story. At render-time, 
    the `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry is queried for a matching class. If found, the theme is
    incorporated into the story.

    kind : str
        The kind of Theme. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from 

    name : str
        The name of the Theme.  Corresponds to a local instance of 
        `presalytics.story.components.ThemeBase` loaded into `presalytics.COMPONENTS`

    data : dict
        Widget data required so the corresponding subclass of `presalytics.story.components.ThemeBase`
        can initialize and render
    plugins : A list of presalytics.story.outline.Plugin
        A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
    name: str
    kind: str
    data: typing.Dict
    plugins: typing.List[Plugin]

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, name, kind, data, plugins=None, **kwargs):
        super(Theme, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.kind = kind
        if data:
   = data
   = {}
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []

class StoryOutline(OutlineBase):
    A StoryOutline contains instructions for a `presalytics.story.components.Renderer` 
    (e.g., `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer`) to render an story into html.

    A story outline's `info`, `pages`, `widgets`, and `themes` are intended to be easily editable
    by both human users and machines via json serialization and deserialization, and the ecosystem
    of tools that can be used to edit json objects. Once a valid `StoryOutline` is
    built, it contains sufficient instructions for this library find the required components in the user's
    workspace and render theme.

    StoryOutlines are stored in the [Presalytics API Story Service](
    The story service manages version history and user permissions for StoryOutlines.  For more information
    about how outlines are used, please see the [How It Works](
    section of the website.


    outline_version : str
        the version of that StoryOuline schema.
    info : presalytics.story.outline.Info
        Metadata about this StoryOutline
    pages : list of presalytics.story.outline.Page
        The pages that will be rendered in this story
    themes : list of presalytics.story.outline.Theme
        The themes that will underlie each `presalytics.story.outline.Page` in the StoryOutline
    title : str, optional
        A title for the story

    description: str, optional
        A description of the story
    story_id : str, optional
        The Presalytics API Story Id.  Automatically added once the story outline has been pushed to
        the server.

    outline_version: str
    info: Info
    pages: typing.List[Page]
    description: str
    title: str
    themes: typing.List[Theme]
    story_id: str

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, info, pages, description, title, themes, plugins=None, story_id="empty", **kwargs):
        super(StoryOutline, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.outline_version = get_current_spec_version() = Info.deserialize(info)
        self.pages = [Page.deserialize(x) for x in pages]
        if description:
            self.description = description
            self.description = ""
        if title:
            self.title = title
            self.title = ""
        if themes:
            self.themes = [Theme.deserialize(x) for x in themes]
            self.themes = []
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []
        self.story_id = story_id
        if not kwargs.get("validate", True):

        def validate(self):
            super(StoryOutline, self).validate()
            jsonschema.validate(instance=self.to_dict(), schema=load_latest_schema())


def json_numpy_obj_hook(dct)

Decodes a previously encoded numpy ndarray with proper shape and dtype.

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def json_numpy_obj_hook(dct):
    Decodes a previously encoded numpy ndarray with proper shape and dtype.
    if isinstance(dct, dict) and '__ndarray__' in dct:
        data = base64.b64decode(dct['__ndarray__'].encode('utf-8'))
        return np.frombuffer(data, dct['dtype']).reshape(dct['shape'])
    return dct
def get_current_spec_version()

Get the latest version of the story outline schema via reading foldernames in the schemas subfolder of this file's directory

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def get_current_spec_version():
    Get the latest version of the story outline schema via reading foldernames in 
    the schemas subfolder of this file's directory
    schema_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "schemas")
    major, minor, patch = None, None, None
    latest = None
    for _dir in os.listdir(schema_dir):
        if not latest: 
            latest = semantic_version.Version(_dir)
        elif latest < semantic_version.Version(_dir):
            latest = semantic_version.Version(_dir)
    return str(latest)
def load_schema(version_number)
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def load_schema(version_number):
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "schemas", version_number, "story-outline.schema.json")
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    return data
def load_latest_schema()
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def load_latest_schema():
    version_number = get_current_spec_version()
    return load_schema(version_number)


class OutlineEncoder (*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)

Json encoder for OutlineBase objects

Constructor for JSONEncoder, with sensible defaults.

If skipkeys is false, then it is a TypeError to attempt encoding of keys that are not str, int, float or None. If skipkeys is True, such items are simply skipped.

If ensure_ascii is true, the output is guaranteed to be str objects with all incoming non-ASCII characters escaped. If ensure_ascii is false, the output can contain non-ASCII characters.

If check_circular is true, then lists, dicts, and custom encoded objects will be checked for circular references during encoding to prevent an infinite recursion (which would cause an OverflowError). Otherwise, no such check takes place.

If allow_nan is true, then NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity will be encoded as such. This behavior is not JSON specification compliant, but is consistent with most JavaScript based encoders and decoders. Otherwise, it will be a ValueError to encode such floats.

If sort_keys is true, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key; this is useful for regression tests to ensure that JSON serializations can be compared on a day-to-day basis.

If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None is the most compact representation.

If specified, separators should be an (item_separator, key_separator) tuple. The default is (', ', ': ') if indent is None and (',', ': ') otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify (',', ':') to eliminate whitespace.

If specified, default is a function that gets called for objects that can't otherwise be serialized. It should return a JSON encodable version of the object or raise a TypeError.

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class OutlineEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    Json encoder for `presalytics.story.outline.OutlineBase` objects
    def default(self, obj):
        Override method for deserializing objects that inherit from 
        if issubclass(obj.__class__, OutlineBase):
            return obj.to_dict()
        if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
            return obj.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
        if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID):
            return str(obj)
        # Generalized numpy encoder/decoder -- for http transport
        # If input object is an ndarray it will be converted into a dict 
        # holding dtype, shape and the data, base64 encoded.
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            if obj.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
                obj_data =
                cont_obj = np.ascontiguousarray(obj)
                obj_data =
            data_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj_data).decode('utf-8')
            return dict(__ndarray__=data_b64,
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)


  • json.encoder.JSONEncoder


def default(self, obj)

Override method for deserializing objects that inherit from OutlineBase

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def default(self, obj):
    Override method for deserializing objects that inherit from 
    if issubclass(obj.__class__, OutlineBase):
        return obj.to_dict()
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return obj.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
    if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID):
        return str(obj)
    # Generalized numpy encoder/decoder -- for http transport
    # If input object is an ndarray it will be converted into a dict 
    # holding dtype, shape and the data, base64 encoded.
    if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        if obj.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            obj_data =
            cont_obj = np.ascontiguousarray(obj)
            obj_data =
        data_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj_data).decode('utf-8')
        return dict(__ndarray__=data_b64,
    return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class OutlineBase (**kwargs)

Base object for building Story Outlines

Includes methods for validiating, serializing, and deserializing outline classes

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class OutlineBase(abc.ABC):
    Base object for building Story Outlines

    Includes methods for validiating, serializing, and deserializing outline classes
    __annotations__: typing.Dict
    __required__: typing.Sequence[str]
    additional_properties: typing.Dict

    __required__ = []
    A `list` of `str` objects representation attributes required to be to present
    in order for an instance to be deserialized.  Checked when the `validate` method is

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if "additional_properties" in kwargs:
            self.additional_properties = kwargs["additional_properties"]
            self.additional_properties = kwargs

    def validate(self):
        Ensures that the outline component has all required attributes.  Raises
        a `presalytics.lib.exceptions.ValidationError` if required attributes are 
        missing.  Reads the list of requried objects from the __required__ class
        for key in self.__required__:
            if not hasattr(self, key):
                err_message = 'Could not load {0} object, source data missing "{1}" key'.format(self.__class__.__name__, key)
                raise ValidationError(err_message)

    def deserialize(cls, json_obj: dict):
        Serializes a `dict` into  class instance

        json_obj : dict
            A dictionary containing attributes of the class
            A `class` instance
        if type(json_obj) == cls:
            return json_obj
        updated_obj = {}
        for key, val in json_obj.items():
            new_key = to_snake_case(key)
            updated_obj.update({new_key: val})
        for req in inspect.getargspec(cls).args:
            if req not in updated_obj and req != 'self':
                updated_obj.update({req: None})
        return cls(**updated_obj)

    def load(cls, json_str: str):
        Serializes a `str` into  class instance

        json_str : str
            A dictionary containing attributes of the class
        A `class` instance
        json_obj = json.loads(json_str)
        return cls.deserialize(json_obj)

    def import_yaml(cls, yaml_file: str):
        Serializes a yaml from a file into a class instance

        yaml_file : str
            Filepath to the file with yaml representing that class
        A `class` instance
        with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
            obj = yaml.unsafe_load(file) # use unsafe loader per:, Monitor for fix.
        return cls.deserialize(obj)

    def export_yaml(self, filename):
        Dumps yaml-formatted text representing the class instance into a file

        filename : str
            Filepath to the location where the yaml fiel shoudl be dumped
        with open(filename, 'w') as file:
            yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), file)

    def dump(self):
        Serialize the class instance to a stringified Json object

        A `str` object representing the class instance in json
        return json.dumps(self, cls=OutlineEncoder)

    def to_dict(self):
        Converts an instance to a `dict` object of attributes.
        Used for further serialization.

        A `dict` object containing instance attributes
        ret = {}
        for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
            if key not in self.__required__:
                if isinstance(val, list):
                    if len(val) == 0:
                if isinstance(val, dict):
                    if len(val.items()) == 0:
            ret_key = "{}".format(to_camel_case(key))
            ret_val = json.loads(json.dumps(val, cls=OutlineEncoder), encoding='utf-8', object_hook=json_numpy_obj_hook)
            ret[ret_key] = ret_val
        return ret


  • abc.ABC


Static methods

def deserialize(json_obj)

Serializes a dict into class instance


json_obj : dict
A dictionary containing attributes of the class


A `class` instance
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def deserialize(cls, json_obj: dict):
    Serializes a `dict` into  class instance

    json_obj : dict
        A dictionary containing attributes of the class
        A `class` instance
    if type(json_obj) == cls:
        return json_obj
    updated_obj = {}
    for key, val in json_obj.items():
        new_key = to_snake_case(key)
        updated_obj.update({new_key: val})
    for req in inspect.getargspec(cls).args:
        if req not in updated_obj and req != 'self':
            updated_obj.update({req: None})
    return cls(**updated_obj)
def load(json_str)

Serializes a str into class instance


json_str : str
A dictionary containing attributes of the class


A class instance

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def load(cls, json_str: str):
    Serializes a `str` into  class instance

    json_str : str
        A dictionary containing attributes of the class
    A `class` instance
    json_obj = json.loads(json_str)
    return cls.deserialize(json_obj)
def import_yaml(yaml_file)

Serializes a yaml from a file into a class instance


yaml_file : str
Filepath to the file with yaml representing that class


A class instance

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def import_yaml(cls, yaml_file: str):
    Serializes a yaml from a file into a class instance

    yaml_file : str
        Filepath to the file with yaml representing that class
    A `class` instance
    with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file:
        obj = yaml.unsafe_load(file) # use unsafe loader per:, Monitor for fix.
    return cls.deserialize(obj)


def validate(self)

Ensures that the outline component has all required attributes. Raises a ValidationError if required attributes are missing. Reads the list of requried objects from the required class variable

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def validate(self):
    Ensures that the outline component has all required attributes.  Raises
    a `presalytics.lib.exceptions.ValidationError` if required attributes are 
    missing.  Reads the list of requried objects from the __required__ class
    for key in self.__required__:
        if not hasattr(self, key):
            err_message = 'Could not load {0} object, source data missing "{1}" key'.format(self.__class__.__name__, key)
            raise ValidationError(err_message)
def export_yaml(self, filename)

Dumps yaml-formatted text representing the class instance into a file


filename : str
Filepath to the location where the yaml fiel shoudl be dumped
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def export_yaml(self, filename):
    Dumps yaml-formatted text representing the class instance into a file

    filename : str
        Filepath to the location where the yaml fiel shoudl be dumped
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), file)
def dump(self)

Serialize the class instance to a stringified Json object


A str object representing the class instance in json

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def dump(self):
    Serialize the class instance to a stringified Json object

    A `str` object representing the class instance in json
    return json.dumps(self, cls=OutlineEncoder)
def to_dict(self)

Converts an instance to a dict object of attributes. Used for further serialization.


A dict object containing instance attributes

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def to_dict(self):
    Converts an instance to a `dict` object of attributes.
    Used for further serialization.

    A `dict` object containing instance attributes
    ret = {}
    for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
        if key not in self.__required__:
            if isinstance(val, list):
                if len(val) == 0:
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                if len(val.items()) == 0:
        ret_key = "{}".format(to_camel_case(key))
        ret_val = json.loads(json.dumps(val, cls=OutlineEncoder), encoding='utf-8', object_hook=json_numpy_obj_hook)
        ret[ret_key] = ret_val
    return ret
class Info (revision, date_created, date_modified, created_by, modified_by, revision_notes, story_id=None, **kwargs)

Carries metadata for a StoryOutline


revision : str
The current revision number of the story outline
date_created : datetime.datetime
The creation date of the story in UTC
date_modified : datetime.dataime
The last modified date of the story in UTC
created_by : str
The Presalytics API user id of the user that created the story
modified_by : str
The Presalytics API user id of the user that last modified the story
revision_notes : str, optional
Text explaining the changes made during that latest revision to the story
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class Info(OutlineBase):
    Carries metadata for a `presalytics.story.outline.StoryOutline`

    revision : str
        The current revision number of the story outline
    date_created : datetime.datetime
        The creation date of the story in UTC 
    date_modified : datetime.dataime
        The last modified  date of the story in UTC 
    created_by : str
        The Presalytics API user id of the user that created the story
    modified_by : str
        The Presalytics API user id of the user that last modified the story
    revision_notes : str, optional
        Text explaining the changes made during that latest revision to the story
    revision: str
    date_created: datetime.datetime
    date_modified: datetime.datetime
    created_by: str
    modified_by: str
    revision_notes: str

    def __init__(self,
        super(Info, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.revision = revision
        self.date_created = dateutil.parser.parse(date_created).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
        self.date_modified = dateutil.parser.parse(date_modified).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
        self.created_by = created_by
        self.modified_by = modified_by
        self.revision_notes = revision_notes


Inherited members

class Plugin (kind, name, config, **kwargs)

Represents at plugin to be incorporated in the story during rendering process. The information contain in this object is passed to subclass of PluginBase found in the PLUGINS registry. at render-time.


kind : str
The kind of Plugin. Usually either "style" for a StylePlugin or "script" for a ScriptPlugin
name : str
The name of the plugin. A name must be unique within a given PLUGINS registry.
config : dict
The configiuration of the plugin. The keys in this dictionary are unqiue to a given plugin.
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class Plugin(OutlineBase):
    Represents at plugin to be incorporated in the story during rendering process.  The information
    contain in this object is passed to subclass of `presalytics.lib.plugins.base.PluginBase` found
    in the `presalytics.PLUGINS` registry. at render-time.

    kind : str
        The kind of Plugin.  Usually either "style" for a `presalytics.lib.plugins.base.StylePlugin`
        or "script" for a `presalytics.lib.plugins.base.ScriptPlugin`

    name : str
        The name of the plugin.  A name must be unique within a 
        given `presalytics.PLUGINS` registry.

    config : dict
        The configiuration of the plugin.  The keys in this dictionary are unqiue to a given 
    kind: str
    name: str
    config: typing.Dict

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, kind, name, config, **kwargs):
        super(Plugin, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.kind = kind = name
        self.config = config


Inherited members

class Widget (name, kind, data, plugins=None, **kwargs)

A represenation of an analytic or graphic object to be rendered within a Page. At render-time, the COMPONENTS registry is queried for a matching class or instance. If found, the widget is rendered.


kind : str
The kind of Widget. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from WidgetBase
name : str
The name of the Widget. Correpsonds to a local instance of WidgetBase loaded into COMPONENTS
data : dict
Widget data required so the corresponding subclass of WidgetBase can initialize and render
plugins : list of Plugin
A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
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class Widget(OutlineBase):
    A represenation of an analytic or graphic object to be rendered within a 
    `presalytics.story.outline.Page`. At render-time, the `presalytics.COMPONENTS`
    registry is queried for a matching class or instance. If found, the widget is

    kind : str
        The kind of Widget. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from 

    name : str
        The name of the Widget.  Correpsonds to a local instance of 
        `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase` loaded into `presalytics.COMPONENTS`

    data : dict
        Widget data required so the corresponding subclass of `presalytics.story.components.WidgetBase`
        can initialize and render
    plugins : list of presalytics.story.outline.Plugin
        A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
    name: str
    kind: str
    data: typing.Dict[str, str]
    plugins: typing.Sequence

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, name, kind, data, plugins=None, **kwargs):
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.kind = kind
        if data:
   = data
   = {}
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []


Inherited members

class Page (name, kind, widgets, plugins=None, **kwargs)

A representation of a canvas on which Widget objects can be rendered. At render-time, the COMPONENTS registry is queried for a matching class. If found, the page and its widgets are rendered.


kind : str
The kind of Page. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from PageTemplateBase
name : str
The name of the Page. A name must be unique within a given COMPONENTS registry
widgets : list of Widget
Widgets that will be rendered along with the page
plugins : list of Plugin
A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
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class Page(OutlineBase):
    A representation of a canvas on which `presalytics.story.outline.Widget` objects
    can be rendered. At render-time, the `presalytics.COMPONENTS`
    registry is queried for a matching class. If found, the page and its
    widgets are rendered.

    kind : str
        The kind of Page. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from 

    name : str
        The name of the Page.  A name must be unique within a 
        given `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry

    widgets : list of presalytics.story.outline.Widget
        Widgets that will be rendered along with the page        
    plugins : list of presalytics.story.outline.Plugin
        A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget

    name: str
    kind: str
    widgets: typing.Sequence[Widget]
    plugins: typing.List[Plugin]

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, name, kind, widgets, plugins=None, **kwargs):
        super(Page, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.kind = kind
        if widgets:
            self.widgets = [Widget.deserialize(x) for x in widgets]
            self.widgets = []
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []


Inherited members

class Theme (name, kind, data, plugins=None, **kwargs)

A container for story properties that persist accross all pages of story. At render-time, the COMPONENTS registry is queried for a matching class. If found, the theme is incorporated into the story.


kind : str
The kind of Theme. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from ThemeBase
name : str
The name of the Theme. Corresponds to a local instance of ThemeBase loaded into COMPONENTS
data : dict
Widget data required so the corresponding subclass of ThemeBase can initialize and render
plugins : A list of Plugin
A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
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class Theme(OutlineBase):
    A container for story properties that persist accross all pages of story. At render-time, 
    the `presalytics.COMPONENTS` registry is queried for a matching class. If found, the theme is
    incorporated into the story.

    kind : str
        The kind of Theme. Typically corresponds to a class that inherits from 

    name : str
        The name of the Theme.  Corresponds to a local instance of 
        `presalytics.story.components.ThemeBase` loaded into `presalytics.COMPONENTS`

    data : dict
        Widget data required so the corresponding subclass of `presalytics.story.components.ThemeBase`
        can initialize and render
    plugins : A list of presalytics.story.outline.Plugin
        A list of plugins that must be rendered alongside this widget
    name: str
    kind: str
    data: typing.Dict
    plugins: typing.List[Plugin]

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, name, kind, data, plugins=None, **kwargs):
        super(Theme, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name
        self.kind = kind
        if data:
   = data
   = {}
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []


Inherited members

class StoryOutline (info, pages, description, title, themes, plugins=None, story_id='empty', **kwargs)

A StoryOutline contains instructions for a Renderer (e.g., Revealer) to render an story into html.

A story outline's info, pages, widgets, and themes are intended to be easily editable by both human users and machines via json serialization and deserialization, and the ecosystem of tools that can be used to edit json objects. Once a valid StoryOutline is built, it contains sufficient instructions for this library find the required components in the user's workspace and render theme.

StoryOutlines are stored in the Presalytics API Story Service. The story service manages version history and user permissions for StoryOutlines. For more information about how outlines are used, please see the How It Works section of the website.


outline_version : str
the version of that StoryOuline schema.
info : Info
Metadata about this StoryOutline
pages : list of Page
The pages that will be rendered in this story
themes : list of Theme
The themes that will underlie each Page in the StoryOutline
title : str, optional
A title for the story
description : str, optional
A description of the story
story_id : str, optional
The Presalytics API Story Id. Automatically added once the story outline has been pushed to the server.
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class StoryOutline(OutlineBase):
    A StoryOutline contains instructions for a `presalytics.story.components.Renderer` 
    (e.g., `presalytics.story.revealer.Revealer`) to render an story into html.

    A story outline's `info`, `pages`, `widgets`, and `themes` are intended to be easily editable
    by both human users and machines via json serialization and deserialization, and the ecosystem
    of tools that can be used to edit json objects. Once a valid `StoryOutline` is
    built, it contains sufficient instructions for this library find the required components in the user's
    workspace and render theme.

    StoryOutlines are stored in the [Presalytics API Story Service](
    The story service manages version history and user permissions for StoryOutlines.  For more information
    about how outlines are used, please see the [How It Works](
    section of the website.


    outline_version : str
        the version of that StoryOuline schema.
    info : presalytics.story.outline.Info
        Metadata about this StoryOutline
    pages : list of presalytics.story.outline.Page
        The pages that will be rendered in this story
    themes : list of presalytics.story.outline.Theme
        The themes that will underlie each `presalytics.story.outline.Page` in the StoryOutline
    title : str, optional
        A title for the story

    description: str, optional
        A description of the story
    story_id : str, optional
        The Presalytics API Story Id.  Automatically added once the story outline has been pushed to
        the server.

    outline_version: str
    info: Info
    pages: typing.List[Page]
    description: str
    title: str
    themes: typing.List[Theme]
    story_id: str

    __required__ = [

    def __init__(self, info, pages, description, title, themes, plugins=None, story_id="empty", **kwargs):
        super(StoryOutline, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.outline_version = get_current_spec_version() = Info.deserialize(info)
        self.pages = [Page.deserialize(x) for x in pages]
        if description:
            self.description = description
            self.description = ""
        if title:
            self.title = title
            self.title = ""
        if themes:
            self.themes = [Theme.deserialize(x) for x in themes]
            self.themes = []
        if plugins:
            self.plugins = [Plugin.deserialize(x) for x in plugins]
            self.plugins = []
        self.story_id = story_id
        if not kwargs.get("validate", True):

        def validate(self):
            super(StoryOutline, self).validate()
            jsonschema.validate(instance=self.to_dict(), schema=load_latest_schema())


Inherited members